
Mike WillbanksCommunity News

Have you ever found yourself enduring a difficult season of life (maybe right now?) and wishing things would just return to normal? Perhaps you are having difficulty finding a job, your marriage is struggling, or … Read More

Don’t Sin During Worship

Mike WillbanksCommunity News

If you’re anything like me, when you hear the call to prepare for the Lord’s Supper by confessing your sins, you never think, “Golly, I did pretty well this week.  I can’t think of a … Read More

Why Creeds?

Mike WillbanksCommunity News

You may have noticed that we often read historical creeds and confessions when we worship together.  Have you ever wondered why?  To some they may seem dry and formulaic.  Others may think of them as … Read More

Urbana Report

Mike WillbanksCommunity News

This year, almost 50 people from our church went to the  triennial Urbana Missions Conference in St. Louis from December 27-31.  This year’s version of Urbana, like the previous editions put on by Intervarsity, was … Read More

Song Speak: Rock of Ages

Mike WillbanksCommunity News

Rock of Ages is one of the most beloved hymns in the English language.  The text of this hymn was written by Augustus Montague Toplady (what a name!).  By age 12 he was preaching sermons … Read More