The Tech-Wise Family

Reed JolleyCommunity News

Ten years ago a little glowing rectangle was invented, and the world has never been the same since. I am talking about the iPhone or, more generally, the smartphone. In 2007 our computers moved from … Read More

Lent, Life, and Gratitude

Reed JolleyCommunity News

We have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God.        –Abraham Lincoln, 1863 If I were called upon to identify briefly the principal trait of … Read More

Post-Election Predictions

Reed JolleyCommunity News

On Wednesday, November 9, most Americans will wake up in a state of disgruntled relief. We will have chosen our next president, and we will be relieved because the campaigning will have finally come to … Read More

For Whom Then Shall We Vote?

Reed JolleyCommunity News

Maybe you heard the one-liner that has Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton stranded in the middle of the ocean on a tiny lifeboat. Who survives? Answer? America. The joke isn’t that funny, but it points … Read More

Thy Neighbor’s Wife

Reed JolleyCommunity News

You shall not commit adultery… You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife… Exodus 20:14, 17 He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself. He will … Read More

Samson and Daleiden

Reed JolleyCommunity News

Do you remember that story in the book of Judges? The one where the big strong guy was taken down by the persistence of a beautiful siren? This powerful Samson, you see, could tie together … Read More

Book Review

Reed JolleyCommunity News

Same-Sex Attraction and the Church: The Surprising Plausibility of the Celibate Life, by Ed Shaw (IVP, 2015) Ed Shaw is the pastor of Emmanuel City Centre Church in Bristol, England, and is concerned about how … Read More