Senior Adult Sunday School
Meets Sundays at 10:30am in the Community Room (after the 9am service)
For more information or to get on the list, contact
Mike McBirney or Shawn McBirney.
Senior adults are often faced with many changes in life. Retirement usually takes away a daily contact with co-workers. Finances can become a concern as health expenses rise but income doesn’t. Family and friends move away, or relocating seniors move away from their familiar environment to live in Santa Barbara. And while there is value in the multi-generational interaction we have at our church and in homegroups, sometimes we need to just be with people who are experiencing the same life changes.
The senior adult Sunday school class attempts to be a place where this can happen. While we seldom discuss senior adult issues as a topic during the class, our class members understand what senior life is like, care about each other’s grandkids and upcoming medical procedures, and have the desire and the time to help where they can.
Each Sunday we spend some time talking about our joys and concerns from the past week, and we pray for each other. We discuss God’s word together, we watch a video recording by a gifted speaker, hear from a visiting missionary, or we invite someone from the church to tell us their story. And we always have great snacks!
So, stop by the Community Room after the 1st service sometime (we start about 10:30am). We'd love to meet you! You'll probably find that you already know some of our regular attenders, and if not, you'll quickly make some new friends.