Don’t Be a Ted

Steve JolleyCommunity News

Earlier this summer, the blockbuster movie Ted opened to bring in an amazing $54 million, one of the best opening weekends ever for an R-rated comedy. Distributing company Universal Pictures believes the film could bring … Read More


Steve JolleyCommunity News

He was a typical 27 year-old southern Californian surfer. Tanned, fit and stoked.  As Reed and I talked with him, pondering the finer points of stand up paddle boards (SUP), we discovered we shared a … Read More

How Can I Love You?

Steve JolleyCommunity News

We have been friends for close to two decades.  Donna and I have enjoyed laughs, hikes, Bible studies, conversation, cross-country skiing and fabulous meals together with John and Jane Doe.  It was the sort of … Read More

An Open Letter to the SBCC Worship Teams

Steve JolleyCommunity News

It is no secret that many evangelical churches have struggled with music and worship styles. And it is no surprise that this struggle sometimes erupts into a full-fledged church fight. These worship wars have plagued … Read More

Re-Forming the Reformation 4: Sola Fide

Steve JolleyCommunity News

by Steve Jolley & Ryan Wassel and In the sixteenth century, Rome began the monumental building project of Saint Peter’s Basilica. Those who have visited Rome and the Vatican can attest that Saint … Read More

Re-Forming the Reformation 3: Sola Gratia

Steve JolleyCommunity News

by Steve Jolley & Ryan Wassel and In our continuing series, Reforming the Reformation, we are considering what it means when we say Santa Barbara Community Church stands in the Reformed tradition.  Last … Read More