by The Elders
In March, you heard from the Elders regarding our next steps on how to proceed with the proposed multi-purpose building or “BOP”. The BOP is a building that was planned and permitted by Trinity prior to the merge. It was approved for construction as part of the church campus upgrades permitted at that time and was to be built on the pad below the main sanctuary. What we told the Body in March was that we would build the multipurpose building but only if we received substantial financial support of $750,000 and received this money from a broad base of our church. This would ensure that if the building was built or not, it would best represent God’s leading in our church. The deadline for receiving this money was set for May 2nd.
During the pledge period starting in March until the deadline in May, we received approximately $410,000 in commitments from about 220 of you in the church. Although these numbers represent a broad base of our church, they do not meet the criteria of raising $750,000 in commitments. Therefore, the Elders have decided not to move forward with building the BOP building.
We, the Elders, strongly believe that God has been in this decision process from the beginning and we are tremendously encouraged that so many of you participated through communication, commitments and prayer. It is clear to us that as a church, we moved through the process with a strong sense of unity, recognizing that no matter whether the building was built or not, God would be glorified. The Elders also witnessed the sacrificial giving that so many of you gave to this project which was over and above the giving that you have already committed to with our current budget. If we can raise a few hundred thousand dollars in a such a short period of time, imagine some of the ways God could use our church to glorify Him in our community and world in the future through other sacrificial offerings. As always, the Elders want to encourage us as a church to prayerfully consider our giving as worship, and recognize that God has entrusted us with much.
So what are our next steps? With the help of the Board of Trustees, we will work with the County to preserve our rights as best as possible in maintaining compliance with our property’s conditional use permit while investigating what other options, if any, may be available for that portion of our property. As always, we the Elders feel blessed and encouraged in serving. May God be glorified.