Annual SBCC Mission Supervisor Report

Please use these questions as an outline. Adapt any of these questions to fit your ministry. Include figures whenever pertinent - for example, number of Bible studies being held weekly.

Please submit form no later than August 15

You cannot save this form and return to it later. We recommend you type answers to the longer questions offline in a program such as Microsoft Word, and then copy and paste them into this form when you are ready to submit it. This will help ensure you do not lose any of your progress.

  • Please use these questions as an outline for your responses. The person that you supervise and will be evaluating will be referred to as "your local or global partner" on this form.

  • Summarize your local or global ministry partner's year in ministry:
    If you like, use the following questions as a guide:
    - How are their days spent?
    - Please share any positive or negative reflections.
    - Do you have any concerns you would like to share?
    - What is the state of your local or global partner's heart for their mission?
    - Is your relationship with this local or global partner healthy and in good standing?
    - Did your local or global partner meet their goals and objectives this year?
    - What goals and objectives do you have for your your local or global partner this coming year?
    - What can we do to help?
  • - How do you supervise your your local or global partner's ministry?
    - Do you have direct contact? If so, how often?
    - What is your plan for accountability and mentoring of your your local or global partner?
  • - How is your your local or global partner doing in the area of fundraising?
    - What percentage of your your local or global partner's time is spent fundraising?
    - From what sources is your your local or global partner supported?
    - Has your your local or global partner met their financial obligations and commitment to your organization this year?
    - Do any changes need to made in this area for your your local or global partner?
  • What changes, if any, are ahead in each of the areas listed above?
  • - From your vantage point do you feel like Santa Barbara Community Church is coming alongside your your local or global partner in a healthy, encouraging way?
    - How could we grow in this area?
    - We desire to struggle with your your local or global partner and organization in prayer. What are your insights as to how we could best do this?


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